
Showing posts from September, 2017


The general theory of relativity predicts that a so-called "singularity" is hidden in a black hole (i.e. behind an event horizon). A thought experiment from school physics: A space capsule is on the moon. The astronauts want to teach back to earth. To do this, they have to overcome the moon's gravitational field. If they only had a catapult instead of a rocket drive, this would have to throw the space capsule into space at a certain speed so that it does not fall back onto the moon. Escape speed This speed can be calculated solely from the mass of the object to be left and its radius (position of the space capsule on the surface). For the moon it is: 2.3 km/s. If the astronauts not only want to leave the moon, but also our solar system via catapult, the escape speed is 42.1 km/s, and for our galaxy: 320 km/s. In order to leave our universe, however, our atronauts would have to be faster than light. However, since physics does not allow mass to ever move faster t

Which Is Why I Appreciate KenFM

Lately I've been enjoying watching interviews on KenFM. The moderator Ken Jebsen speaks there with different people about current topics. Jebsen is a good entertainer that I enjoy listening to. It's exciting and entertaining at the same time. By the way, the Internet portal KenFM is the continuation of the radio program of the same name, which according to Wikipedia was broadcast from 2001 to 2011. What impresses me about Jebsen is the way he works. He is always well prepared and with great passion for the matter. I consider his amounts to be significant and of great value and quality. The variety of topics is also a plus for me. In addition, Jebson has the courage to offer a platform for uncomfortable topics. I admire the way he puts his finger on the sore spots in our society and doesn't look away when things get uncomfortable. I particularly like the two formats "Die Macher" and "nachdenKEN" because they provide positive and concrete examples of w

Space-time – simply explained

We know from the Big Bang that a substantial proportion of matter in our universe was created within a very short time.  However, an equally large proportion of antimatter is required for the formation of matter.  So far, however, no substantial amount of this antimatter has been found anywhere. Where did the antimatter go? The famous physicist and Nobel Prize winner Richard Feynmann once put forward the thesis that the creation and merging of two antiparticles is nothing other than that one and the same particle reverses in time (and converts light into matter or vice versa). In my opinion, the creation of matter and antinatter in the Big Bang somehow took place "directed".  The antimatter was therefore thrown 180 ° away from us and is therefore inaccessible to us in space-time. I am therefore convinced that the matter in my body once again exists as antimatter and only therefore exists at all. Complex numbers as an analogy There is a suitable analogy in mathematics: the com

Basic Income at the Community Level

I am impressed by the idea of ​​an unconditional basic income (hereinafter referred to as BGE) and belong to the quarter that voted "Yes" in the poll on June 5, 2016 [1]. Why didn't it work? In my opinion, one of the biggest problems that stood in the way of a national * introduction was assessing the consequences and risks. *: The initiative says roughly: "The 'Bund' ensures the introduction of a basic income that enables the 'entire' population to live in dignity." Out and about in the Jura A few weeks after the vote, I set off with colleagues for a bike weekend in the Jura. On the way we had lively discussions about various topics, including the UBI and the recent referendum.  We asked ourselves what stopped us Swiss from accepting the initiative and came up with the uncertainty and the risk. Another topic on the way was dealing with dependencies in software development (keyword: "Dependency Inversion Principle" [2]). As an engineer,