Space-time – simply explained

We know from the Big Bang that a substantial proportion of matter in our universe was created within a very short time. However, an equally large proportion of antimatter is required for the formation of matter. So far, however, no substantial amount of this antimatter has been found anywhere.

Where did the antimatter go?

The famous physicist and Nobel Prize winner Richard Feynmann once put forward the thesis that the creation and merging of two antiparticles is nothing other than that one and the same particle reverses in time (and converts light into matter or vice versa).

In my opinion, the creation of matter and antinatter in the Big Bang somehow took place "directed". The antimatter was therefore thrown 180 ° away from us and is therefore inaccessible to us in space-time. I am therefore convinced that the matter in my body once again exists as antimatter and only therefore exists at all.

Complex numbers as an analogy

There is a suitable analogy in mathematics: the complex numbers. Our visible universe corresponds to the real numbers. The system of equations of a line and a parabola with real numbers, for example, has either zero, one or two solutions (intersection points) depending on whether and how the parabola is intersected by the line.

However, the same system of equations with complex numbers always has two solutions (a complex number has two parts - one real and one imaginary). Thanks to the complex numbers, the mathematician has a more holistic, complete picture. In the real, tangible world, however, complex solutions only make limited sense because the parabola and line do not intersect.

The same is true of antimatter. It does not appear anywhere and yet, even when it is hidden, it contributes to the space-time calculation. The analogy with the complex numbers certainly helped me to develop my current perspective. But it is currently difficult for me to describe it properly.

In the black hole yourself?

A black hole with the mass of our universe would have a Schwarzschild radius that corresponds approximately to the extent of our universe. This means that the mass of our visible universe (plus dark matter and energy) and its expansion just fit together so that nothing known to us - not even light - has a sufficiently high escape speed to ever leave it. One could conclude from this that we ourselves are "inside" a black hole.

Scroll in space-time

From our point of view, incident mass never arrives at the event horizon of a black hole due to the special theory of relativity. But at some point it is no longer visible because of the so-called redshift. In addition, the Schwarzschild radius increases linearly to the incident mass. We are used to the fact that the mass of a sphere increases with the cube of the radius. These two statements support the idea that the entire incident mass is concentrated on a reasonably "thin" layer near the event horizon. What is going on behind it is difficult. General relativity predicts a singularity inside a black hole. This singularity could, however, be due to the big bang of a universe located behind the event horizon.I would even go so far as to say that it must be the big bang of our universe itself. A black hole is just a space-time bubble.

Black holes are therefore like blades in space-time. Outside is at the same time inside. The beginning is also the end. The same big bang happens in every black hole. There is only one singularity, if any, and it is always the same. And somehow not at the same time. Every creation of matter seems to me like a mini big bang. Every annihilation of matter seems to be related to its disappearance in a black hole.

We have three statements:

  1. A particle reversing in time appears as an antiparticle pair
  2. We are sitting in a black hole.
  3. Black holes are space-time bubbles.


  • Our universe is stretched between two surfaces of matter and antimatter. 
  • Black holes form the “walls” of our universe, so to speak, which span the space contained therein.
  • There are really only two walls - one made of matter (we are flying towards it) and another made of antimatter (our antiverse is flying towards it). 
  • Analogous to the electrical charge, mass particles that were created from the Big Bang fall in the direction of the two “outer shells”.


The following views make this understanding difficult:

  1. There is a high density in a black hole (statement too imprecise)
  2. Event horizons caused by spacetime do not make it easy

What one generally reads conveys the incomplete and misleading picture in a black hole, there is an incredibly high density. One could easily think that "in" there is no room for something as normal as the starry night sky. But this notion is not helpful. I find the idea of ​​a space-time bubble more helpful and plausible.

To put it loosely, such a bubble is for me an alternative idea of ​​the event horizon of a black hole. General relativity predicts an event horizon due to the curvature of space in a black hole. But that's exactly what gets in the way of a discussion when you try to "find out" what is going on in a black hole. Our minds can easily be fooled into something. Nonetheless, dealing with event horrors ultimately helped me develop a clearer idea of ​​space and time ...



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