Everything in perspective?

One approach to unifying the four physical forces is Quantum Gravity (QG) [1], which attempts to combine General Relativity (GRT) and Quantum Field Theory (QFT). So far, this has not been possible because space-time would diverge in the center of a black hole.

The problem could perhaps be solved geometrically. If "the singularity" were modeled e.g. as a torus ring [2], then there would not be an infinite density.

Another approach might be not to first look behind the curtain of an event horizon, i.e. the standardization would then have to be fully valid "only" up to the event horizon.

Due to the theory of relativity, the state of how the universe appears to us optically depends on perspective. Very close to an event horizon, to outsiders, time practically stands still for infalling objects, and so they never fall into it. Perhaps the starry sky seems so static to us mainly because time seems to pass so slowly "everywhere". It looks like the entire firmament is about to approach an event horizon.

Could spatial, temporal and energetic characteristics (i.e. "supposed" opposites such as big - small, forwards - backwards, light - dark) depend on the perspective?



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