
Membrane of Life

Perhaps a long time ago everything that exists in the universe was united together. At least that's what the big bang theory suggests. At the same time, our universe is characterized by a dichotomy. I think this dualism [1] creates opposites like left/right, this side/next side, light/dark etc. through an apparent separation. If one dispenses with one of the dimensions of the room, one gets a surface with a front and a back like a sheet of paper, which forms a torus ring on the left and right as well as on top and bottom. Its surface is finite but unlimited and curved (almost how the universe presents itself to us) [2, 3]. The front and back of the original surface now form the inside and outer surface of the ring. In principle, this also means that the entire three-dimensional space resp. splitting our four-dimensional space-time, and therefore everything that exists within it, in half (hence duality). But let's stay with the areas. If one postulates that one of the two sides

Celebration of Life

Imagine... One day you will be surprised by your family members, friends and everyone around you, even your enemies if you have any. You are told that you are now complete and may wake up. It is said that they are also all perfect beings, who have long since overcome their shortcomings through countless incarnations. Their "faults" – farting, smelling, swearing, lying, etc. – were all played to please you and to further your development. Their corners and edges are real but from back then. In this life, however, everything is staged and arranged  from the beginning just for you. (Do you know the movie "The Truman Show?") The job of your fellow human beings was to be a pain in the ass, to challenge you and to be your master so that you could develop into the person you are now and always have been. Since this has been accomplished, from now on, everyone celebrates your true birthday and life in general every day... As you now know how the rabbit runs, I wish you a ha

Everything in perspective?

One approach to unifying the four physical forces is Quantum Gravity (QG) [1], which attempts to combine General Relativity (GRT) and Quantum Field Theory (QFT). So far, this has not been possible because space-time would diverge in the center of a black hole. The problem could perhaps be solved geometrically. If "the singularity" were modeled e.g. as a torus ring [2], then there would not be an infinite density. Another approach might be not to first look behind the curtain of an event horizon, i.e. the standardization would then have to be fully valid "only" up to the event horizon. Due to the theory of relativity, the state of how the universe appears to us optically depends on perspective. Very close to an event horizon, to outsiders, time practically stands still for infalling objects, and so they never fall into it. Perhaps the starry sky seems so static to us mainly because time seems to pass so slowly "everywhere". It looks like the entire firmamen

The Social Economy and the Common Good

The folloging article about the social economy is an extract of the Climate Action Plan written by Swiss activists in conjunction with scientists and experts and was published in January 2021 [1-3]. The social economy and the common good go well together. Christian Felber has been concerned with the common good for many years. With his book "Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie" (Economy for the Common Good), published in 2010, he has achieved a bestseller [4, 5] -- [1]  CAP - Social Economy.pdf (extract as file | EN) [2]  Climate Action Plan | [3]  Climate Action Plan | geho Bibliothek [4]  Christian Felber on the GWÖ | Jung & Naiv [5]  Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie | geho Bibliothek ~ DE  | EN ~ Extract from the Climate Action Plan , pages 308 to 313: Social Economy Introduction The climate emergency demands for “rapid, far-reaching andunprecedented changes in all aspects of society” (IPCC 2018). Accepting thescientific consensus also means to accept that s

Good Stories

I will soon be 40 years old. Anyone who knows me knows that I like stories. I think life has many good stories to offer. In the newspapers and the news, however, we mostly hear "bad" news. As an optimist, I am convinced that a positive mood is sensible and healthy and that it should also be one of the tasks of our media to maintain a certain balance in this regard. That's why I'm a fan of Impact Journalism Day  or I love formats like "Die Macher" on KenFM . In between, I like to watch one of the many good posts on TED . I also think that 12app attaches great importance to weaving encouraging reports into the program again and again. For my birthday I would therefore like to get lots of good stories and kitschy positive happy events. Did you read something the other day that put a smile on your face? What cheers you up? Please send me a link to your favorite story. Videos are also welcome. Or send me a funny anecdote from your colorful life as a text. Ther

Be a Dictator

As a father, I'm used to making decisions that don't always appeal to all family members. In such a situation of responsibility one can make it easier or harder for oneself. It's easier (and not just wrong) if you first look for yourself. However, if you are eligible to ensure that a majority of those involved feel comfortable and happy, it becomes more difficult. This requires empathy, patience and a wealth of ideas. It gets particularly disgusting when there is time pressure. Many are like me. It is exhausting to be decent all the time and not let yourself go. That is why I sometimes ask myself whether we do not have too high expectations of others. If it is already difficult in private, how can one expect the other – or even a public person such as a teacher, a politician, a king or another dignitary – to be a good person all the time? I think it would be very welcome, before assuming a judgment, to look into the heads and hearts of those affected – at least one sh


The general theory of relativity predicts that a so-called "singularity" is hidden in a black hole (i.e. behind an event horizon). A thought experiment from school physics: A space capsule is on the moon. The astronauts want to teach back to earth. To do this, they have to overcome the moon's gravitational field. If they only had a catapult instead of a rocket drive, this would have to throw the space capsule into space at a certain speed so that it does not fall back onto the moon. Escape speed This speed can be calculated solely from the mass of the object to be left and its radius (position of the space capsule on the surface). For the moon it is: 2.3 km/s. If the astronauts not only want to leave the moon, but also our solar system via catapult, the escape speed is 42.1 km/s, and for our galaxy: 320 km/s. In order to leave our universe, however, our atronauts would have to be faster than light. However, since physics does not allow mass to ever move faster t